Meet the Chess Board

  • Kimmy L.


    Major: Applied Economics and Management, Information Science Minor ‘24

    Years playing chess: I have been playing chess for about 13 years, and achieved my Woman FIDE Master title in 2017. I love the game because it is a crazy roller coaster ride that is entertaining for the players and the spectators! I am happy to see that chess has become a lot more casual in the past few years - one day I will learn how to trash talk, but for now, I can only eavesdrop on the drama.

    Favorite opening: Bird

    Least favorite opening: anything with d4…

    USCF rating: 2090

  • Alex C.


    Major: Biology & Society ‘26

    Years playing chess: I started playing chess back in lower school and competed in FIDE games around the world since.

    “I love chess because it is very cool and nice”

    Favorite opening: Fried Liver Attack

    Least favorite opening: French Defense

  • Mohammad H.

    Marketing Lead

    Major: Information Science ‘25

    Years playing chess: I've been playing chess casually since I was 6 years old but I took a keen interest in chess during the pandemic when chess streamers were becoming popular. I also code chess AI and I am very enthusiastic about computational chess theory.

    Favorite opening: Ruy Lopez, especially the classical variation with 4. c3 because of how dynamic and imbalanced the position is. This gives me an opportunity to play tactically and try to get an early win.

    Least favorite opening: Italian Game since it tends toward balanced and solid positions and I get very impatient.

  • Peter Z.

    Tournaments Lead

    Major: Computer Science '27

    Years playing chess: I've been playing chess for 12 years and am close to achieving the National Master (NM) title. I appreciate chess for all the good friends I've made through it.

    Favorite opening: Reti

    Least favorite opening: Grob

    USCF rating: 2177